6 Quotes & Sayings By Bruno De Oliveira

Bruno de Oliveira is a Brazilian writer. He was born in Porto Alegre in 1962. He lives in Rio de Janeiro. His works include short stories, newspaper columns, and novels Read more

His first novel, "O Jogo", was published when he was only twenty-four. It has been translated into many languages and won the award for "Best First Book" at the Jabuti competition in Brazil, organized by the São Paulo Book Fair. His other works include "Mulheres Do Poder" (Women of Power); "Jornalistas e Ladrões" (Journalists and Crooks); "Gente do Porto Alegre" (People of Porto Alegre); "Estágio na Escola Nacional de Medicina" (Summer Training at the National School of Medicine); "As Jornadas do Chico Mendes" (The Chico Mendes's Journeys); "Férias Sob Rabiscos" (Holiday Under Your Markings); "Livro dos Dez Mandamentos" (Book of Ten Commandments); etc.

Suffering is a cutting edge political design. Bruno De Oliveira
In the large sense, I have to disagree with Bakunin, one thing austerity rhetoric has suggested is that when the people are being beaten with a stick, they are much happier if the media call it the People’s Democratic Stick. Bruno De Oliveira
Market forces which are driven by self indulgent needs designing the ultimate human experiences such as intimacy, love, solidarity and commitment as not enough and no longer needed, resulting in an ongoing emptiness and on the illusion of endless enjoyment. Bruno De Oliveira
Charity has an embedded message of alleviating the consequences of poverty and not of eradicating it. As the evidence suggested, charity seems to be pervert form of social mechanism that validates contemporary social inequality maintained by neoliberalism policies under the capitalist ideology. It seems problematic that the world’s current ideology i.e. capitalism alienation is the main contributor of contemporary issues with poverty world-wide and the solution presented to this social problem is charity. In addition, charity seems to be the humanitarian side of a system that advocates and promotes exploitation. Bruno De Oliveira
In contemporary society as the evidence suggests charity under the capitalist ideology is a social paradox where in one hand it helps the poor to be part of the system and it also alleviates the consequences of poverty. On the other hand, it maintains the ruling class in power safe guarded by the ideology of capitalism which absorbed charity as part of the ideology itself. In addition, with this class that charity brings it validates and minimizes class struggle of capitalism. Bruno De Oliveira